Academies & Programs

College and Career Readiness for the 21st Century: An academy is a reform model where students have an opportunity to deeply engage in a pathway of study that prepares them for postsecondary academic and career success.

Middle School Academy Programs

The middle school academy programs are designed for students to enter into the program in 7th grade and continue into their 8th grade year. Applications for the middle school academies are open to all Newington students, applications are to be filled out in the spring of 6th grade.

Academy of Biomedical Sciences

The academy for grade 7 and 8 students, held at Martin Kellogg Middle School, provides academy students with the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and have “real-world” experiences in content areas including the human body, disease mechanisms, major biological themes, and other biomedical science topics.

Academy of Aerospace & Engineering

The Academy of Aerospace & Engineering, located at John Wallace Middle School, offers 7th and 8th grade academy students the chance to explore and research topics in areas of aeronautics, aerospace environment, aerospace physiology, air navigation, and the physics and operation of spacecraft.

High School Academy Programs

While courses are open to all students, only academy students will have the benefits of the Career Academy Success Program. Each academy will have a structured and sequenced work-based learning program that is intended to allow students to examine future career options. Additionally, an advisory board comprised of professionals in the career area will be established to keep the educational level in step with advancing technologies and trends within the career themes. Find course offerings and more information on the high school career academies in the Program of Studies.

Aerospace & Engineering Academy

The Aerospace & Engineering Academy offers students the chance to explore and research topics in areas of aeronautics, aerospace environment, aerospace physiology, air navigation, and the physics and operation of spacecraft.

Biomedical Sciences Academy

The Biomedical Sciences Academy provides students with the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and have “real-world” experiences in content areas including the human body, disease mechanisms, major biological themes, and other biomedical science topics.

Culinary & Hospitality Academy

The Culinary & Hospitality Academy offers students the opportunity to build knowledge and hone skills in hospitality tourism, service, and marketing; entertaining and event planning; culinary arts; restaurant management, as well as cuisine and baking courses.

Family & Child Development

The high school offers Family & Child Development courses including: Introduction to Early Childhood Education, Infant and Toddler Growth Development, Occupational Child Care and Cooperative Work Study, and Family Life.

Finance & Business Management Academy

In the Finance & Business Management Academy students get a glimpse into the business world through courses designed to enhance knowledge in Microsoft Office; business economics; ethics; entrepreneurship; financial principles, planning, and services; accounting; and marketing.

Information Technology & Digital Innovation Academy

The IT & Digital Innovation Academy provides students with the skills for today and tomorrow’s technology featuring courses based in: information technology; computer networking; computer science; game, app, and web development; graphic and database design; and digital animation.

Interdistrict and Specialized School Options:
The term "specialized schools" is used here to refer to the collection of interdistrict educational opportunities pertinent to the legislation (C.G.S. Sec. 10-220d), which include the following:  technical education and career schools, regional agriculture science and technology education centers ("ASTE"), interdistrict magnet schools, charter schools and interdistrict student attendance programs.  

These links offer information on specialized schools:

Technical Education and Career Schools: