
The Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, located within the Newington Board of Education Central Office, is a multifaceted department that encompasses the district's work with curriculum, assessments, instruction, academies, educational technology, and student information systems.

The district's mission and goals set a vision and assist the Curriculum Department to design curricula that positively and successfully guide all learners toward high academic, social, emotional, and physical outcomes. The Curriculum Department provides expertise and support for all curricular and instructional programs. The department works collaboratively with administrators, teachers, and stakeholders to develop and refine the programs offered. The Curriculum Department is responsible for directing all curriculum writing initiatives as well as providing schools with local benchmark assessments. In addition, the department identifies best practices for instruction and facilitates the acquisition of materials, resources, and professional learning.

Department Mission

The curriculum of the Newington Public Schools provides a comprehensive, diverse, and challenging array of rich learning experiences to meet the needs of all students. Based on State and National Standards, the curriculum provides the framework of the student's educational journey kindergarten through the senior year in high school.

The curriculum overview by grade level and subject area articulates what students will know and understand (concepts) and be able to do (skills). Measurable student learning objectives and methods of assessing learning allows for the monitoring of every student's progress and achievement.

Department Goals

  • To provide leadership and support to educators across the district, and implement and reinforce the Common Core State Standards and National Standards.

  • To provide rigorous curriculum that allows all students to have equal learning opportunities and requires mastery of skills and knowledge by challenging all students to think critically, engage in inquiry and apply their skills/knowledge to solve problems and create innovative solutions.

  • To construct curriculum that provides authentic and relevant learning experiences and endorses lifelong learning.

  • To develop and/or identify, standard benchmarks of achievement at all levels to assess learning outcomes.

  • To identify and endorse effective research-based instructional practices.

  • To promote continued professional growth for staff and to ensure they have the tools necessary to help all students achieve.

  • To ensure every student graduates college, career, and citizenship ready.

Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

200 Garfield Street, 3rd Floor

Newington, CT 06111

(860) 665 - 8620