Frequently Asked Questions

What is Human Capital Development?

Human Capital is defined as the productive skills and technical knowledge of employees.  It includes an individual's knowledge, skills, and abilities and the values and motivation they have to apply their skills to the organization's goals.

Investing in the development of our people is necessary to build our capacity.

Where are NPS employment opportunities posted?

New positions are frequently posted on our website, check for internal and external postings through our Employment page.

How do I apply for a position?

Visit the Employment page; click either external or internal (for current NPS staff) applicant to view the Newington Public Schools Online Application System website. Here you will see the current job postings from Newington Public Schools; from this page you are able to sort by job title, posting date, posting type, or location of the position.

Once you find a position you are interested in, click "apply" this will bring you to a page describing the position and lists of the functions, knowledge, skills, and abilities that are associated with the position. Click the "Apply for this Position" to the right-hand side of the job listing to apply. This will bring you to a screen that will prompt you to login to an existing employment account or create a new account. Once logged in, you will able to enter your personal information, resume, cover letter, references, etc. When this information has been added you can view your application before submitting. After you apply, you are able to view the status of your application by using the "Application Status" tab. You will be contacted through the information provided in your account.

Where can I find FMLA information?

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) information can be found on the FMLA page of the website, under For Staff.

Where can I find my insurance information?

Staff insurance information can be found on the Health Insurance Benefits page of the website found under the Staff Resources tab.

What is the difference between professional development and professional learning?

The Professional Development Sessions of yester-year were based in a one size fits all, "sit and get" sessions. It was assumed that teachers needed direct instruction about how to improve upon and master new skills and teaching strategies.

Professional Learning Sessions that are utilized by the Newington district resemble a format that is growth-in-practice; the sessions promote active engagement, teacher voice, creation and collaboration, inquiry, and reflection.

When is the next district professional learning opportunity?

For the Newington district, educators are provided with Professional Learning days that happen on Tuesdays throughout the year when students are released early. The district also provides Professional Development days, on these days there is no school for students.