Facilities Committee

Chairperson: Mr. Sam Sharma

The facilities committee is concerned with the maintenance and operation of all land, buildings, facilities, and equipment owned by the District. This committee tours the plants annually and reports its findings to the Board. The committee reviews issues relating to the condition of the district's physical plant and operations related thereto. This committee submits its budget priorities to the Finance and Budget Committee before the budget preparation begins. A complete list of proposed alterations and repairs for the coming school year as well as a five-year capital improvement budget are presented to the Board. This committee reviews all physical plant needs including those funded by the Board’s operating budget and those funded through the capital improvement budget. The committee advises the Board on building related issues, ongoing maintenance and planning for long-term improvements. This committee may be asked to consider Board policies related to building issues. The Chief Finance & Operations Officer serves as an ex officio member of this committee.

Specific responsibilities may include:

  • Develops and recommends a maintenance and replacement schedule for buildings and grounds;

  • Conducts periodic inspection of school facilities and reports to the Board at least annually;

  • Planning for new construction, major renovations, or major improvements of school buildings and grounds;

  • Serving as the liaison to the Town building committee as required;

  • Recommends additions, deletions or changes to facilities needed to support school programs;

  • Conducts studies and provides Board liaison to administration on matters pertaining to security, space and community use of facilities.

Facilities Committee Meetings

Find the agendas and minutes from Facilities Committee Meetings below. Past years' agendas and minutes can also be found below in the "Facilities Committee Meeting Archive" folder.