New Student Registration


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The Welcome Center at Newington Public Schools' mission is to provide a warm and inclusive environment for new students and their families. Our goal is to address any questions or concerns in the registration process, assist you in completing registration forms, and provide you information and guidance related to our schools and resources to help new students thrive academically and socially. Translation services are available. Please contact 860-666-5611 ext 1131 if you would like an appointment.

All New Student Registration is completed online by selecting the link below for the appropriate school year and grade level. 

- 2024-25 Kindergarten Only Registration NOW OPEN

2025-26 Request for Early Kindergarten Entrance Waiver Information NOW OPEN

2025-26 Kindergarten Only Registration  CLOSED

Grades 1-12 New Student Registration

Preschool Registration

Other Resources:

Getting Ready for Kindergarten

Elementary District Boundaries/Street Directory

Free and Reduced Lunch Application and Current Breakfast and Lunch Pricing


Newington Public Schools Residency Office & Welcome Center

Newington High School

605 Willard Avenue

Newington, CT 06111

(860) 666-5611 ext. 1131