Standing committees are utilized to perform the major work of the Board. Members of the standing committees shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Board. Interim vacancies may be filled by such appointment at any time. The Chairperson of the Board and the Superintendent of Schools shall be ex officio members of all standing committees, and each standing committee shall include at least two additional members of the Board. The Chairperson of each committee shall be a Member of the Board. All standing committees, except the Executive Committee, may have members not only from the Board of Education, but also from other groups as authorized by the Board, such as the faculty, the student body, administrative officers of the District and other interested persons as either voting or ex officio members. The Standing Committee Chairperson or designee shall report to the full Board items requiring official actions.
The Chair of the Board of Education may at any time discontinue any of its committees or specific duty assigned to a committee for such time as may be determined. Duties of each committee shall be determined as a committee is formed. Each committee may make a report through its chairperson at each regular meeting of the Board of Education. All committees of the Board of Education shall follow the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act as required by statute.
A description of each of the current standing committees follows:
Executive Committee
Executive Committee shall be composed of the Board of Education Committee Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, a minority party member. The Chairperson of the Board shall be chairperson of the Executive Committee and shall appoint a secretary. In the interim between Board meetings, the Executive Committee is empowered to transact any business of which the Board is capable, except for those matters that would be in contravention of the laws of the United States. The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee shall be distributed promptly after each meeting to every member of the Board. At each meeting of the Board, the proceedings and action taken by the Executive Committee since the last meeting of the Board shall be reported to the Board.
Curriculum Committee
The chairperson of the Curriculum Standing Committee shall appoint a secretary for the committee. The Curriculum Supervisors shall be ex officio members of this committee. This committee shall consider and make recommendations concerning the District’s broad policies of education and research. This committee reviews major areas of curriculum development, regular/special education services, pupil assessment, long-term program review and program revisions. Committee members consider the Board’s priorities in curriculum areas. The Committee reports its findings to the Board and suggests programs and policy modifications that may be appropriate in curriculum and program areas. New program activities undertaken by the district, the implementation of new curricula, or the piloting of new programs would be topics of interest. The Committee shall review research on the curriculum and program changes and report its recommendations to the Board. The committee shall review proposals concerning student courses, ensure the Board’s familiarity with district educational programs, monitor achievements and cause the evaluation of education programs.
Student Policy Committee
The chairperson of the Student Policy Standing Committee shall appoint a secretary for the committee. The Director of Transportation and High School Principal shall be ex officio members of this committee. This committee shall review matters affecting students of the District, normally those not relating to the academic program, consider proposals on such matters, report and provide recommendations thereon to the Board as may be required.
Finance Committee
The chairperson of the Finance and Budget Committee shall appoint a secretary for the committee. The Chief Finance and Operations Officer shall be a member of this committee. This committee shall be concerned with the preparation of the budget and periodic reviews of the actual expenditures as compared to the budget. The Committee works with the Superintendent of Schools in developing a recommended budget for the Board. As such the Committee reviews the budget development process, analyzes the budget document and makes public presentations as necessary. The Committee shall offer recommendations regarding accounting procedures and alternative expense saving suggestions. The Committee will ensure an audit annually and report to the Board of Education when it is completed. The committee shall monitor the fiscal activities of the school district, including reviewing the monthly financial statement and annual end of year transfer report and shall review and make recommendations concerning the annual audit and recommend annual budget guidelines and priorities.
Facilities Committee
The Chairperson of the Facilities Committee shall appoint a secretary for the committee. The Supervisor of Custodial & Maintenance Operations shall be an ex officio member of this committee. This committee shall be concerned with the maintenance and operation of all land, buildings, facilities, and equipment owned by the District. This committee shall tour the plants annually and report its findings to the Board. The committee shall review issues relating to the condition of the districts physical plant and operations related thereto. This committee shall submit its budget priorities to the Finance and Budget Committee before the budget preparation begins. A complete list of proposed alterations and repairs for the coming school year as well as a five-year capital improvement budget shall be presented to the Board. This committee reviews all physical plant needs including those funded by the Board’s operating budget and those funded through the capital improvement budget. The committee advises the Board on building related issues, ongoing maintenance and planning for long-term improvements. This committee may be asked to consider Board policies related to building issues.
Appointments to Town Boards, Committees, Organizations, and/or Commissions
The Chairperson shall also appoint representatives of the Board of Education to Town Boards, Committees or Commissions. The Chairperson shall appoint Board members as representatives, alternates and representatives to organizations, such as CABE and CREC. Additional appointments as required shall be made by the Chairperson.